Category Archives: Week 6-Purity

Day 1

God’s Way


Heb 13:4 (NKJV)

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.


Sex!! That’s right God created it. He created it so that we could enjoy our spouse in a way no one else can. He created it so that we can have kids. He created this awesome expression of love for you to enjoy. The sad part is the devil is doing all he can to destroy the value and sacredness of sex. The devil wants you to think it’s okay to have sex with someone you really love or that it’s ok to just get a quick thrill from anyone who will give it to you. You see, God put a boundary on sex until you are married not to take away your fun but rather to give you the greatest experience of sex possible. Purity saves you from disobeying God, the heartbreak of giving yourself to someone you aren’t married to, and the regret of not saving yourself for your bride/groom. There are two ways you can go, God’s way or the Devil’s… The choice is yours.


Accelerate today

Read– Colossians 3:5-6 (fornication means sex before marriage)

Think– What are some things you can do to ensure you go God’s way?

Act– The bottom line is choose God’s way! Save sex for marriage.

Day 2

Greatest Gift


1 Timothy 6:13-14 (NKJV)

I urge you in the sight of God… that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ’s appearing,


            Okay be honest… How far would you like your future spouse to have gone physically with another person before you got married? Would it be okay if they made out in the back seat of their parent’s car? Would it be ok to you if they went further and while they were making out they started to take their clothes off? What if you were able to stand outside the window of your future spouse’s house and they are with their current significant other on the couch when no one is home, how far would you want them to go? Would you be hurt if they went all the way and had sex? The answer to all these questions is that it would definitely hurt! The point of all this is to show you the value of saving your virginity until you are married. How amazing would it be to hear, “I have been waiting all my life to give this gift only to you.” I think we all would like to hear those words. My wife and I both were able to say those priceless words to each other on our wedding night. It’s up to you. Are you going to be able to give the greatest gift to your future spouse? I believe you can.



Accelerate today

Read– 1 Corinthians 6:15-20

Think– What are some adjustments that you need to make to honor God in this area?

Act– You be the one that will be able to say to your spouse on your wedding night, “I’ve saved myself for you.” At all cost protect your purity!

Day 3



Ephesians 5:3 (Message)

Don’t allow love to turn into lust, setting off a downhill slide into sexual promiscuity,


Purity is not something you just stumble into on accident. It is possibly the hardest thing for a teenager to hold on to. It is potentially the highest temptation on the peer pressure scale. Sex is one of the greatest desires of the body. Again, purity is not something that falls into your lap. It is something that must be earned. It is something that must be guarded with your whole life! This whole issue of purity starts with making a decision. You will not maintain your virginity (the greatest gift you could give) without making a decision and standing firm. I hear people that say, “Well whatever happens, happens.” Or “We’ll just see.” Anyone who takes this approach will fail because purity is not something that comes easy. It takes making a decision and fighting for years to keep it. The wait is worth it; your future spouse is worth it. The decision is yours.


Accelerate today

Read– Joshua 24:15

Think– What are some ways you can protect and maintain your virginity? 

Act- Make a plan and a decision today towards purity.

Day 4



Proverbs 22:14 (NLT)

The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit; those living under the Lord’s displeasure will fall into it.


If God is important to you, then your purity will be important to you as well. If purity is important to you, then today’s topic is vital to your success in this area. We are talking about who you are with. This is another big, no huge, no gigantic issue that is one of the greatest factors in keeping your virginity until you’re married. Who you choose to date will make or break you. For example, if you date someone who does not have the same values that you have or does not believe in God, then you are setting yourself up for failure. When someone is trying to find the right person, I always advise them to find someone who not only believes in God, but can lead them closer to Him. Many people believe in a God; but few can push you closer to Him. I want to strongly advise you to, in God’s timing only, involve yourself with a godly person who will lead you closer to God. Settling for anything less will be planning to fail. It’s all about who. 


Accelerate today

Read– Proverbs 2:15-18

Think– What are some characteristics of a godly girl/ guy?

Act– Don’t settle for anyone that is not God’s best for you!

Day 5



Proverbs 7:25 (NLT)

Don’t let your hearts stray away toward her (immoral girl). Don’t wander down her wayward path.


The sequel to yesterday’s topic is, “where.” Where are you going? I think it is of utmost importance who you are with. Many people wonder how they got into the situation to loose their virginity. It is quite simple. They were with a person that doesn’t lead them closer to Christ and they were alone when no one was home. Even if you are alone with a godly person long enough, you have the potential to give into temptation. I want to encourage you to guard the situations you put yourself in. When I was a young teenager I was drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, and the only way I could quit was to stop going to the parties where this was happening. I had to stop going over certain friends’ houses. I had to gain control of the “where.” If you are going to make the right choice with purity then you must guard the “where.”


Accelerate today

Read– Proverbs 7:21-27

Think– What are some situations you should avoid with the opposite sex (with virginity in mind)?

Act– Don’t even get into situations that could lead to foreplay or sex until you are married.

Day 6

Do Over


Psalms 103:12 (CEV)

How far has the LORD taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance from east to west!


Have you ever gotten into trouble with your parents and then one month, six months, or one year later it seems as if they forgot the whole thing? Well, God is the same way with our mistakes. If you have messed up with this whole purity issue , God will forgive you if you truly repent. It is important to not just feel sorry, but turn from your former actions and ask God for forgiveness. This is true repentance. If you made some mistakes and truly repent, God will forget about the whole thing.

I am not advocating the thought process that says, “Do it first and say sorry later.” The problem with that is you will still have the hurt and pain that comes from sinning and loosing your virginity. I am not saying that with repentance comes no pain, rather in God’s eyes, it’s a do-over; it’s a second chance. Here is a tip: When you think about the painful areas in your life, immediately replace the bad thoughts with something good. Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your mind on things above.” This means when a bad thought comes in your mind you must replace it with a scripture or a good thought.

So to those of you that have made a mistake… repent and take this opportunity to have a fresh start and a clean slate from God.


Accelerate today

Read– Psalms 34:17-19

Think– How do these verses speak to your heart concerning past mistakes?

Act– 1. Think about all the ways you have messed up in this area. 2. Ask God to forgive you. 3. Change your behavior. 4. Stop thinking about it your mistakes. (once God forgives He forgets… you must as well)

Day 7



1 Timothy 6:12 (CEV)

Fight the good fight of faith and claim eternal life.


My wife, Hannah, just recently ran her first marathon. She did a fabulous job and I am very proud of her. Now if she would have went out and tried to sprint the entire marathon she would have never made it. I think purity (the greatest gift) is similar in many ways to a marathon. Let me make some comparisons: First, it was her training, her running foundation, that she did for months to prepare that enabled her to finish. I believe that your foundation of purity is your morals or values. You will not achieve the satisfaction of completing a marathon without the foundation. Secondly, along the entire 26.2 miles, there were people cheering the runners on. We can look to God and good friends to cheer us on and give us that extra boost we need to keep us going in the purity challenge. Thirdly, Hannah kept before her the great honor and sense of accomplishment that the finish line would bring her. You must keep that before you as well. You must continue to think of the great honor and great gift that will be given to you and your spouse on your wedding day. Keep these three steps on your mind as you strive to cross the finish line one day.


Accelerate today

Read– 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Think– In what ways can you apply this mentality into your life of purity?

Act– Take the necessary steps daily to win the purity prize!